Why is that today, in this affluent age, there is a growing epidemic of chronic anxiety and depression - at least measured by how many are consuming drugs intended to alleviate the misery? probably many more victims who have not sought or refuse treatment!
I am proposing that this epidemic is understandable, even legitimate -
The underlying cause of anxiety and depression is the fear that basis of creation is loveless. If we accept, even subliminally, the Biblical account of Adam and Eve, we buy into the guilt trip that we were born into sin - and the Creator is hardly our friend. If the Theory of Evolution is what we are more comfortable with, we accept chance and the survival of the fittest as our modus operandi. In both cases, love has no place.
Therefore the antidote to this fear and its ensuing symptoms is the recognition, the understanding, that creation is indeed the result of unconditional love.
In the Bible we find, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. We love him, because he first loved us.”
Let’s look at this more carefully…