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I am Andrew W Kidd - self-identified maverick in the realm of spirit - although it was not always so, (Once an earnest church-goer and participant for many years) - no affiliation with church or denomination. This leaves me free to think independently, no longer trying to get people to join!
I find the Bible profoundly important, but not as many do. It is the Word of God only as it reaches me in spirit. There is so much gory history, boring genealogy, etc., can't see that being the Word of God. But the gems of wisdom, the magnificent stories, the comfort embedded within those pages are to me beyond human, but truly divine. The genius of the Bible and the secret of its longevity is that it encompasses the good and the bad. It would never have survived if it had been purely the good, given the nature of man.
Science and Health is a book that has captured my imagination from the start, when searching for something more substantial than what the mainstream church was offering. After many years of usage, it's still challenging, and inspiring, so much so that I have recorded it for others to discover.
I practice spiritual healing, whereby the physical as well is the spiritual welfare is addressed, as it is quite clear to me that the two are inextricably connected. You may find my blog/website here:
We have created this website for the purpose of aiding those who are looking for something more than a religious doctrine, for those whose concept of God has been challenged or have been left wondering: “Is there God at all?” “Is it even possible to know Him?”
We let the book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" speak for itself: "[Jesus] mission was to reveal the Science of celestial being, to prove what God is and what He does for man."
The author, Mary Baker Eddy, originally published the book outside of any church or denomination with the expectation that it would be helpful universally.
It is our hope that the audio here presented will bring a better understanding and with it more confidence in Truth to those searching for it.
Note: We have no affiliation with any church or church organization.